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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Sci-fi book about disease that makes people immortal?

Question: Sci-fi book about disease that makes people immortal!?
I was tryin to remember the name of this book!.
It is about a woman named Shan/Shain/Shane or something like that!. It is a series and she gets infected by this disease that makes her immortal!. The disease is called canat'at or something close to that!. She gets infected because she almost dies and her alien friend doesn't want her to die, so he infects her!.
I think it's by a U!.K!. author, and the book cusses a lot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The books you are looking for are the Wess'Har series by Karen Traviss!. I just started reading these and have really enjoyed the first two books, City of Pearl and Crossing the Line!.

The main character is Shan Frankland and she travels to a lost colony world where she befriends, and is later infected by Wess'Har planetary protector and immortal Aras!.

The complete series is:
1!. City of Pearl (2004)
2!. Crossing the Line (2004)
3!. The World Before (2005)
4!. Matriarch (2006)
5!. Ally (2007)
6!. Judge (2008)

If you like her writing, I also recommend her Republic Commando books written in the Star Wars EU, even if you aren't a Star Wars fan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com