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Question: Is Ray Bradbury still writing stories!?
He is AMAZING!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Great story writer!. When I die I'm leaving my body to Science Fiction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My daughters saw Ray Bradbury at ComiCon last year!. They said he was quite old, frail, cantankerous, and hard of hearing!. But he was active enough to get to the convention and talk a bit!.

He is one of the few science fiction writers who seems like a master of the English language who just happened to apply his skills in SF, rather than an SF writer who got good at the English!. If that makes any sense!.

On long trips when my kids were growing up we'd listen to some radio plays on tapes that he wrote ("The Ravine" and "Here There Be Tygers" in particular were especially memorable)!. All of my kids grew up loving stories and reading, and his art is part of the reason why!.

As far as I know he's till writing, but I suspect his output is declining!. The most recent work looks like stuff he's been working on for a while (sequels especially) that he's winding up!. I suspect we won't get much in the way of original new material from him from here on out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bradbury has never finished a story!. He obsessively goes back over even his best work and tries to improve it!.

If you want a kick and a surprise, try reading some of his poetry!. Amazing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, he is!. I believe his latest one is "Let's All Kill Candance"!.
He's 81 I believe, so you do the math!. I don't think he'll be coming out with too many more books!.

Yes, he is!. Did you know that he doesn't use a computer or even a typewriter!? He writes everything in longhand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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