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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What is that book that I hear everyone talking about. It is about a vampire name

Question: What is that book that I hear everyone talking about!. It is about a vampire named Edward or Edmund!.!?
I have just heard so much about it and i can't remember the name or author!. Can anyone help me out!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's Edward
Author is Stephenie MeyerWww@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer, is about a 17-year old girl (Bella Swan) who moves to a new town, where she meets her true love (Edward Cullen), who is a vampire!.

The series continues with two other books (and the fourth book will be released in August), but I won't summarize them--in case you decide to give the series a chance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds like Twilight by Stephanie Meyer, its a pretty good Vampire novel, though its not really my cup of tea I like my vampire's to be either of the Anne Rice or Laurel K!. Hamilton variety!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
Go read it before all the rabid fangirls out there ruin your opinion of it before you read it!.

**his name is Edward CullenWww@QuestionHome@Com

his name is edward!.(he is an AMAZING CHARACTER AND I LOVE HIM!!!!!)
its from the twilight series and i would TOTALLY reccomend it to a teenage girlWww@QuestionHome@Com

author: Stephenie MeyerWww@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight by Stephenie MeyerWww@QuestionHome@Com


its edward and the book is named twilight by stephenie meyer!.!.best book ever u should read itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Probably Twilight by Stephanie Meyers!.!.!.!.!.!.!.never read it though, hope this helps you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight!!!!!!!!!!!!! His names Edward!. And it is one of the best books I've ever read, and I've read alot!!Www@QuestionHome@Com


It's called Twilight, the second book is New moon, and the third is Eclipse, the fourth is breaking dawn, coming out in august!. The author's name is Stephenie Meyer!.
everything you need to know is here-

incase you may have heard wrong synopsis', here's mine!.

It's about a girl named Bella Swan, who moves away from Arizona and her mother so that her Mother Renee can travel with Phil (her new husband) for his baseball career!. Bella moves to a very small, rainy town of Forks Washington, with her Father Charlie (police chief of the town), who split up with her mother when Bella was only 6 months old!.
Bella hates it because she is used to warmth and sun, t-shirts and shorts!.!.!.now it's the complete opposite!.!.!.but she is very popular here unlike she was at her old school!. Soon she captures the atention of a beautiful boy (and vise versa)!. They go through hard ships, because he has to save her constantly; because of the fact that she is an accident magnet!. He also wants to kill her, because he is so drawn to her blood (he is a Vampire) but they fall in love!. Edward would so anything for Bella, and she is soon more important than anything to him and makes it his duty to protect her!.Bella also meets a boy named Jacob (native boy on the rez) who tells her all about Werewolf and Vampire myths, that later on become an exciting reality!. Bella is introduced to Edwards family, and they love her!. Edward and his family are vegetarians (only eat animals)!. Bella is soon in the middle of a war between tracker Vampires (evil Vampires-eat humans) who want to kill her!. But in the end it is up to Edward!.!.!.to let his love die!.!.!.risk killing her on his own!.!.!.or!.!.!.let her transform and damn her to eternity!. I won't spoil it for you!.!.!.but I suggest you try it!