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Question: Do publishers publish books by authors who don't have a degree!?
I really want to write a book but I don't have a college degree and it seems like every book I read the back says the author graduted from some college!. Is it required to have a college degree to write a book!? Do publishers look the other way if you don't!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think publishers will publish anything that they think will sell!. I don't think a degree as such matters!. It certainly isn't necessary to have a degree in order to write well!. Consider some of the authors who have not had degrees:

William Shakespeare
Jane Austen
Charles Dickens
The Brontes
Mark Twain
Thomas Hardy
P!.G!. Wodehouse
Agatha Christie
Gerald Durrell
Terry Pratchett

Not a degree between them, but they've all done all right for themselves!. What the publishers care about is whether what you have written is likely to interest the public!. So go for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Publishers have no reason to consider your educational experience when they are deciding whether to publish your novel!. Either the work is saleable or it is not!. Period!.

After your novel is contracted, the publisher will ask you for biographical information which they might use to market your book!. If you're writing legal thrillers, for example, they might want to play up the fact that you're an attorney!. But in most cases, publishers don't care about college degrees because READERS don't care!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is an excellent question!. Although it is not necessary, it is felt by some that it "helps" if you hold a college degree, and particularly from some colleges!. Here is an article in a popular romance readers/writers blog: http://dearauthor!.com/wordpress/2008/06/!.!.!.

If you are good at your craft, it shouldn't matter, but that is just my personal opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can go ahead and write your book and get some good professor or well now author to proof read it for you!.You can also use an author assistant to guide you through writing you book to give it a good and solid backing!.you can try www!.xpertva!.com so that you will get more ideas and assistance from the author assistant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Many people get published without degrees!. S!.E!. Hinton and Chris Paolini both published their first books during high school!. Those are just two examples!. The degree won't get your book published, but you may learn something while getting the degree that makes you a better writer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You don't need a college degree to get published!.

You might want to check out chapteread!.com - it's a writing site and they explain everything - there is a link called the "publishing process" and it's at the top of the site -- can't miss it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A college degree is not a requirement for publishing a book!. What they care about is that you have a well-written, sell-able manuscript!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, of course they do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com