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Question: Vampire Romance!?
I'm looking for some good vampire romance books!. I can't seem to find any, do they exist!? can you reccommend any to meWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
*le GASP* Sorry!. This is just an awesome question!.
So!.!.!. (Please forgive me for my vocabulary and if my information is wrong!. Sorry!.)
Twilight- After moving back to the rainy gloom of a town called Forks, Bella can't seem to keep away from a mysterious boy named Edward Cullens!.
*So far, it is a trilogy, but a new book is coming out in August!. Stephenie Meyer is also writing the series again from Edward's perspective!. by Stephenie Meyer*

Marked- Zoey life changes forever once she is 'marked' and must attend the House of Night, a vamprye finishing school!. Only problem is her human ex-boyfriend has been imprinted by her, an evil she-witch (not really an exact witch by definition) is misusing her Goddess-given powers, and Zoey has powers of her own!. Wait, did I say only!?
*I believe it is a trilogy!? by P!.C!. and Kristin Cast*

Look for Me by Moonlight- After moving back to her father's inn, Cynda falls in love with Victor, a handsome,sophisticated man who just checked in!. Yet then again, there's a reason to not fall in love with strangers much, much older than you!.
*Just a book by Mary Downing Hahn*

By M!.T!. Anderson
All Chris really wants is to be a normal teen, hanging with friends, avoiding parents and
dating Rebecca Schwartz!. Unfortunately, Chris appears to be turning into a vampire!. He
thirsts for the blood of people around him but struggles to remain human!.

Demon in My View
By Amelia AtwaterRhodes

Seventeen year old
Jessica Allodola discovers that the vampire world of her fiction is real
when she develops relationships with an alluring vampire named Aubrey and the teenage
witch who is trying to save Jessica from his clutches!.

In the Forests of the Night
By Amelia AtwaterRhodes

Three hundred year old
Risika looks darn good for her age, thanks to her "blood mother," a
vampire named Ather who turned her into one of the undead back in 1684!. Now Risika is a
night stalker, in search of fresh blood to slake her inhuman thirst!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Silver Kiss by Annette Curtis Klause

Chibi Vampire (I recommend the manga but the novel is pretty boss, too!.)

Vampire Kisses (I also recommend the manga for this one, but the novel is also pretty tight!.)

Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer (This is a dead give away, although "New Moon" pretty much blows!.)

Blue Bloods by Melissa de la Cruz (the second book is okay, too, it's called "Masquerade")

The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice (I think this one is the best in the Vampire Chronicles, you might need to read Interview With A Vampire, first though)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I had to smile at your question!. There have been good paranormal romance writers out there for years!. Susan Sizemore, J!.R!. Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Lynn Viehl, Kresley Cole, just to mention a few!. If you are talking about YA, I'll let the young adult crowd give you names as I am well past the age range for YA romance and I have only read one which didn't exactly impress me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course they exist!
It's an entire genre called vampire literature!.
The best books are "The Vampire Chronicles" series by Anne Rice and the "Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter" by Laurell K!. Hamilton!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight tops that list!. Written by Stephenie Meyer!. Marked is also a very good vampire kind of romance novel!. It's by PC!. and Kristen Cast!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

everyone else listed the popular ones so here are some others!.

vampire beach
vampire kisses
cirque du freakWww@QuestionHome@Com

Of Course,,

Bella && Edward <3,,
For Eternitity,,!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

TWILIGHT! by Stephanie Meyer!.
vampire beach is good too but with a little less romance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight's okay!.!.!.!.!. Oh, and FYI, it's not a trilogy!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ofcourse they xsist!!! my absolute fav is the twilight trilogy by stephenie meyer!.!.!.!.
twilight , new moon & eclipse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com