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Question: Which book do you recommend!?
books you recommend!?

So here are some books i suppose to choose for a reading assignment over the summer!. what are some of the books you recommend!?

one or more book to recommend from this list

-uncle tom's cabin by harriet beecher stowe
- silent spring by rachel carson
-the frontier in american culture by richard white
- 1968: the year that rocked the world by mark kurlansky

and one book or more book to recommend from this list

-Passing by nella larsen
-the bean trees by barbara kingsolver
-black like me by john howard griffin
on the road by jack kerouac
-nickled and dimed: on not getting by in america by barbara eherenreich
-a lesson before dying by ernest j!. gaines
-the joy luck glub by amy tan
-random family by adrian nicole leblanc
-in praise of the stepmother : a novel by mario vargas llosa


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
talks about martin luther king and kennedy!.

On the road by jack kerouacWww@QuestionHome@Com

List 1: Uncle Tom's Cabin (come on, its a classic!)

List 2: Either Black Like Me (what he did was just amazing) or Joy Luck Club (a good read)Www@QuestionHome@Com

uncle toms cabin and the joy luck club

Uncle Tom's Cabin & On the RoadWww@QuestionHome@Com

1968 and On the Road!.

Happy Trails!

they are all greatWww@QuestionHome@Com