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Question: I love to learn, do you!?
So, while I was in highschool, I co-wrote a story with my buddy!. I learned a lot just creating a story with him!. It worked like this!. He would email me a story he started (or vise versa) With a few paragraphs, whatever he felt like writing, then I'd play on the story from what he gave me and I would write a few paragraphs!. And it got to be a pretty big file, It was like 500 word pages unti we started a new one!. Now we don't do that anymore and I'm wonder if anyone is interested, message me and we can talk about it!. Thanks!. I like to write anything, I'm partial to fantasy though, just more fun to write!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sure, I'm in law school right now and do alot of legal writing!. Some fantasy writing could be a good break from the case studies, legal opinions, and jargon I usually deal with!.

I often thought of publishing all my conversations I've had over aim (from 2000-2008) with a friend of mine I grew up with!. (as a reflection or social critique on our generation)!. But my computer crashed and couldn't be recovered a few months back so that idea was thrown out the window!. However, the point being this idea of an ongoing dialogue (collaboration) really interests me!.

I'm a good writer and also a musician!. I like to think of myself as more of a dreamer/artist type than the grounded/lawyer type!.!.!. sometimes life takes you in unexpected directions!.

Anyway hit me back!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's sounds like fun!.

Great answer fenderm2!.Www@QuestionHome@Com