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Question: Advanced cookbook that shows classics and techniques!?
I'm looking for a good cookbook that shows techniques and pairings of foods!. I'm really interested in becoming a better cook!. I already have your basic books, but I want something that explains how to do things and doesn't take any shortcuts!. I really just want to learns about classic dishes, techniques and terms in cooking!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I haven't seen Cooking for Dummies, but as Kate said about that one, I can hear the moan even before I recommend ------ Martha Stewart!. She does a very good job of explaining cooking technique and classic dishes!. As for short cuts, I haven't known her to take one yet--on anything!. If I were you, I'd visit her website!.

Then, when you're ready to advance, go with Julia Child!. She is also very instructive and you'll learn finesse!. I like her fourth book, From Julia Child's Kitchen!. And for mastering techniques, check out Mastering the Art of French Cooking!.

From there, when you decide it's time to get serious, follow Persi's recommendation and you'll be on your way to becoming a world class gourmand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Madeleine Kamman's "The New Making of a Cook: The Art, Techniques, and Science of Good Cooking - every recipe I've tried is perfect - one of the best cookbooks I use
Wayne Grisslen's "Professional Cooking"
"Larousse Gastronomique"'s information is invaluable
Marcella Hazan is a wonderful teacher of classical Italian cuisine
You should read some of the books by the food scientists - I especially like Harold McGee and Shirley OCorriher
The poster above is right - Martha Stewart has written some wonderful books!.
Jacques Pepin's classical technique books are very good!. I forget which book of his I learned to carve little potatoes to look like mushrooms - theyre always a big hit!.
You can learn some great tips and hints from some of the Junior League cookbooks!.
If you are interested in Chinese cooking, try Barbara Tropp - her recipes are very time consuming, but you'll learn a lot!. I first heard about the Benriner Japanese mandolin when I read her book!. I paid $14 for it, I still use it and it works better than the $200 mandolin I had been using!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

'Cooking for Dummies!.' I know, I can see you shaking your head, but hear me out--this explains cooking terms in simple, common-sense terms with a sense of humor!. Where else will you learn to deglaze a pan, pair your wine, and cook Chinese stir-fry all in one book!? It's easily searchable by techniques and foods!. If you already have the book, apologies, but it's honestly one of the best cookbooks I've got!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Le Cordon Bleu Complete Cook!. From the best cooking school in the world!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com