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Question: Has anyone ever read!.!.!.!?
Has anyone ever read The Only Alien on the Planet by: Kristen D!. Randle!? I have read it but i am having trouble figuring out the plot and the climax!. I also need help finding main characters!. I say Ginny, Caulder, & Smitty are main characters!.!.!. but are there any I am mising!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
OMG!!!!! I LOVE that book!. Ok Smittys brother physically and emotionally abused him into not talking, looking or touching anybody,he said that if he did a bomb would go off in Smitty's head, and he was like five so he believed him!. And Caulders been trying to get Smitty to talk since like second grade!. And everybody thinks Smitty's autistic,or mentally retarted,or something because he never talks,and it seems like he pretty much doesnt have any emotions!. But then when Ginny shows up,he starts to fall in love with her, but she's dangerous for him,he thinks, cause she starts to love him to, and touches his hand,and trys(and eventually succeds) to get him to talk snd stuff like that!.
Thats pretty much it I believe!.
O and yes those are all the main charactersWww@QuestionHome@Com

i haven't i'm sorry, :( can't help much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com