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Question: Can I read "The Dark is Rising" book alone and not the rest of the sequence!?
If I read "The Dark is Rising" without reading the first book in the sequence (Over Sea, Under Stone) will I be confused or can I just read "The Dark is Rising" and not the rest of the sequence!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, you'll miss a whale of a good story if you don't finish the sequence! But yes, you can!. As for Over Sea, Under Stone, I actually recommend that people skip that one when they start out!. It's written for slightly younger children and doesn't really have the depth of the rest of the series!. It's okay to go back and read later!. If I'd started with it I don't know if I'd read the rest!.

The people from OSUS do show up in the third book and meet Will!. Then the last two tie up the whole story and bring it all to a conclusion!.

However, if you just want to read Dark is Rising and not finish the rest, you can!. Just depends on how much you enjoy or don't enjoy Dark!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's what I did, and the rest of the series makes total sense!. I still haven't read Over Sea, Under Stone!.

You can also read just one book and it makes sense!. Either way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com