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Question: Which is your favorite Stephen King novel!?
mine is Salem's Lot

what about you!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hi, I've read almost all of his books!. There are really too many good ones to chose just one but here are a few of my favorites!.
The Stand ( it's long but worth every minute)
Geraldine (this one is pretty short but the thing is, it could actually happen to you!. Hint, be careful what you agree to do with your lover)
Tommyknockers (It's also long but you won't notice as you burn through the pages!. This will definitely keep you up at night and sleeping with the lights on)
Lastly, but not least,
The Gunslinger along with the companion Dark Tower trilogy!.
(this series is a little different style but it's pretty scary stuff!.)

There you go!. Sleep tight and don't let the nightmares bite!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

My favourite Stephen King novel would have to The Shining!. I thought it was amazing!. The storyline was great, the character detail and depth was incredible and the mood was spectacular!. It scared me so many times!. I kept thinking I'd see the word REDRUM is my dreams or see Jack Torrance running towards me with the roque mallet, screaming out "Take your medicine!"!. Thank you Mr!. King for the masterpiece you've blessed the book world with!.


You and Milo Ventimiglia have that book in common!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My favorite is The Shining;such a good book!. What I'd consider his best is The Stand!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bag of Bones was good for me!.!.!.it became quite spiritual!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


im not sure if he wrote this

but!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!."The Mist"

thats greatWww@QuestionHome@Com