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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Did anyone else notice in the Harry Potter series that...?

Question: Did anyone else notice in the Harry Potter series that!.!.!.!?
These books can be loosely based on another war!? I saw a lot of WWII references did you!? Maybe I'm just crazy but couldnt Voldemort be a sort of Hitler, and the muggles and blood-traitors that he is killing are the Undesireables (Jews, gypsies, etc!.) What other allusions to history and life do you see in Harry Potter!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, because of all the reasons listed above and more!.

You yourself made the connection, which is what literature is all about!. Finding what a novel means to you is why you read them, whether you notice it or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah!. Racism and prejudice were some of the book's major themes!. The only difference is that the Death Eaters: a) didn't have concentration camps and b) didn't resort to human experimentation (as far as we know)!.

Edit: Azkaban was a prison, not a concentration camp!. (There's a difference--concentration camps are death camps, where forced labor is required!. Prisons are cold, cheerless places where you are supposed to show penitence for previous crimes!.) And it wasn't OFFICIALLY under Death Eater control until they took over the Ministry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've noticed that they relate!. Prejudice is ahuge theme in the harry potter books!. For example, if you had at least one Jewish grandparent, you are were a jew!. if you had at least on muggloe grandparent, your a halfbloodWww@QuestionHome@Com

J!.K!. Rowling actually said that Voldemort was Hitler in Harry's world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes! that is why i do not read them any more!i read twilight! it is a awesome seres! you can not find another book like it!Www@QuestionHome@Com


On her website somewhere, JK Rowling actually talks about the comparisons between her book and WWII!. She mentions how it affected and astounded her when she walked through an old Holocaust museum and realized how closely related her world's terms of "half-blood" and "full-blood" related to the terms the Nazis used to define a "Jew!." In both her world and our world, to be "undesirable" you only had to have an undesirable family link that may or may not even be direct!. The Nazis and Death Eaters did anything, anyway possible to make sure they eradicated as much of the "filth of the world" as they could!.

Edit: Yes, the Death Eaters had concentration camps!. Or at least one!. Azkaban ring a bell!? also, the "concentration camps" that the American's used were pretty much prisons, but they still called them concentration camps!. Of course the only thing that does debunk the theory for me is that the Voldemort!Ministry did give some trials while the Holocaust concentration camps did not!. Although I think once they got going the Death Eaters chucked a lot of people in without a trial like Barty Crouch did!. also another word for concentration camps is an interment camp!. A definition of internment is "the imprisonment or confinement of people, commonly in large groups, without trial!."

also, was referring to the Voldemort!Azkaban!. Not the Azkaban as it was before!. Sorry for not clarifying!.!.!.also using Voldemort![insert random term here] is kinda fun!. And I'm not a huge fan either!. I prefer Artemis Fowl!. I just read everything I can get my hands on when I'm bored!.Www@QuestionHome@Com