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Question: Is the book Twilight a good one to read!?
Is it good to read!?

How long did it take you to read it!?

What age would you recomend it to!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It actually is pretty good!. It's about a vampire that falls in love with a guy!. My cousin read it and now she is reading the 3rd book of it!.

I am starting it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The agegroup is probably teenagers/young adult, but I believe some adults read it!. Most of the audience are women, but men read them, too!. =)

Some of the content is midlly sexual, but the aren't entirely inapproptiate!. They swear sometimes, but there's no drugs!. The violence is!.!.!. mild, not too graphic!.

Still, I wouldn't let my 5th grader or something read them!.

It took me a day or two to read it, but I am a super fast reader and finished the 800 pg Harry Potter book in a few hours!.

It's very good to read!. A lot of it's dialogue, but the characters are so interesting that it doesn't get boring!. Some parts seem to drag on, but overall it is FANTASTIC!. Warning: The books lead to obsession!. No joke!. xD
Stephenie is a great author!. She writes very, very well!. The vocabulary is big, and I sometimes needed to look words up in my dictionary!. =) It's not that difficult to read, though, as the hard words aren't majorly important!.

It's 544 pages long!.

Hope to see you as a Twilighter!Www@QuestionHome@Com

YES YES AND YES! It's not the best book ever, but it's really good! You have to read it!. Twilight took me two days to read! It was that good! New Moon took me a week, and Eclipse took me 3 days! I can't wait for Breaking Dawn!. I think you have to be at least 13 to read it!. It's a great book, and I definetely recommend it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight is an amazing book!. Stephanie Meyer is a great author!. It took me a day to read!. I think Twilight is should be read between the ages of people in highschool and up!. The book was ment for adults but many young teens like it!. So if your in highschool or going to highschool I think it's okay to read!. You won't be dissapointed with Twilight!. You'll fall in love with the characters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think its a very good book to read, it has the suspense, the romance and the thrill most ppl look in in a book!.!.!.!.!.its one of those books where u can relate to the characters even though they are nothing like u, its one of those books where u end up reading into 2 am in the morning because ur so interested in the book and lost in teh events, its defnitley a worthy read and it took me about 2 days to read it but the second time it took me like a day!.!.!.!.!.!.it doesnt really matter how long it takes, its different for everyone and age group!.!.!.i think 12 and up is a good group, the reason not younger then 12 is because they might not understand everything thats going on!.!.!.!.but i wouldnt pass them not to!.!.!.!.so u should still give it a try if ur younger just dont count on getting every thing !.!.!.i hope u read it, enjoyWww@QuestionHome@Com

It was an amazing read, probably the best book i have read, the characters and plot are wonderfull!!
It took me a day to finish it, I just couldn't put the book down!!
I would recommend it to anyone! and you should read New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn which comes out August 2nd! They are all part of the Twilight saga!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

YES!!!! It is such a good addictive book!. I began to read it and thought it was boring, but decided to read it anyways and it got amzingly good!. I've read it like seven times just to make sure I hadn't missed anything!. If you are thinking of reading these books I would definitely support that!!! So good! READ!!!!!!!! :^)
P!.S!. It didn't take long to read it!. But only if you like it, then it doesn't take long!. Ages, 12 - anything really!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

-No it is a cliche piece of crap!. I come from the cities they speak of and they are NOTHING like that!.
-Bella is a self centered annoying little girl
-Edward is a jerk!.
-I got halfway through in a week and it was truly terribly written
-Everyone is obsessed with them and flooding this Yahoo Answers Books & Authors when they should be on a forum somewhere else
-I reccomend it to Middle Schoolers or Elementary kids, once again, it is very poorly written!.
-By all means, read it! Everyone is obsessed with it!.
-Here's what Amazon had to say:

"Softly he brushed my cheek, then held my face between his marble hands!. 'Be very still,' he whispered, as if I wasn't already frozen!. Slowly, never moving his eyes from mine, he leaned toward me!. Then abruptly, but very gently, he rested his cold cheek against the hollow at the base of my throat!."
As Shakespeare knew, love burns high when thwarted by obstacles!. In Twilight, an exquisite fantasy by Stephenie Meyer, readers discover a pair of lovers who are supremely star-crossed!. Bella adores beautiful Edward, and he returns her love!. But Edward is having a hard time controlling the blood lust she arouses in him, because--he's a vampire!. At any moment, the intensity of their passion could drive him to kill her, and he agonizes over the danger!. But, Bella would rather be dead than part from Edward, so she risks her life to stay near him, and the novel burns with the erotic tension of their dangerous and necessarily chaste relationship!.

Meyer has achieved quite a feat by making this scenario completely human and believable!. She begins with a familiar YA premise (the new kid in school), and lulls us into thinking this will be just another realistic young adult novel!. Bella has come to the small town of Forks on the gloomy Olympic Peninsula to be with her father!. At school, she wonders about a group of five remarkably beautiful teens, who sit together in the cafeteria but never eat!. As she grows to know, and then love, Edward, she learns their secret!. They are all rescued vampires, part of a family headed by saintly Carlisle, who has inspired them to renounce human prey!. For Edward's sake they welcome Bella, but when a roving group of tracker vampires fixates on her, the family is drawn into a desperate pursuit to protect the fragile human in their midst!. The precision and delicacy of Meyer's writing lifts this wonderful novel beyond the limitations of the horror genre to a place among the best of YA fiction!. (Ages 12 and up) --Patty CampbellWww@QuestionHome@Com

twilight's a good book and everyone is talking about it these days O____O
especially how much they're in love with edward cullen!.
i'm a slow reader, took me about a week!?
i recommend it to every age, and for the kids age 9-12 only if they enjoy thick books!.

can't wait for the movie to come out!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i thought it was quite good!. its one of my favorite books, in fact!.
i read fast, it only took me like 3 or 4 hours
there are some parts in like, eclipse, that i would reccomend for 13 or 14 year olds!.!.!. definately not for elementary school kids!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i read Twilight in about five hours, New Moon in about two days but only because it gets a bit depressing, and then Eclipse took me like a day!. I recommend it to everyone any anyone! I don't think i've ever met anyone who didnt like it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's one of the best books that I have ever read
it's pretty long
but I can garantee you you'll finish it in about 3 days
just because once you start reading it's phisically imposible to put it downWww@QuestionHome@Com

you should totally read it!
i reccomend it to a teenage girl!
it took me 4 dayz to read it but i read fast but its so good there arent many parts where you want to put it downWww@QuestionHome@Com

It is very good, a lot of people will tell you that it sucks, but it is wonderful! i WOULD RECOMMEND IT TO ANYONE OVER10! it took me a day each to finish the books!.!.!.!.!.i couldn't stop!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The best book I have ever read!.!. :D
A day or less!.
13 and up
I have to wait till breaking dawn comes out now!. I'm sad!. :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

good for all ages!.!.!.if u like it (which im sure u will) it'll take u from 1-3 days even though its a 500 page book!.!.!.and yes it is good to read BEST BOOK EVER!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMG of course- plz go read it
ages 12 plus
it took me 3 days to finish all 3

team jacobWww@QuestionHome@Com

its really good!.
it took me like 4 days!.
im 16!. but its good for all ages!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

for all ages
its GOOD
i finished this book in 6 hours!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

my gf read it and i think she took like a week on and off readingWww@QuestionHome@Com