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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What happens in the end of The Sweetest Far Thing by Libby Bray?

Question: What happens in the end of The Sweetest Far Thing by Libby Bray!?
so i already read the book, but it was awhile ago and i dont own iit so i was wondering if ya'll could tell me what happens to Gemma's friend Anne!? i feel like she killed herself but i dont think she did!. And what happened to Felicty!? or w!.e her name is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Anne's an actress for a small company!. Felicity lives in France with her mother off the inheritance!. Pippa's the one who dies!. Kartik is dead as well!. Gemma goes off to America to start her own life, while still trying to recover from Kartik's death!.

It was an amazing trilogy!. I wept when I read that Kartik died!. I figured that Libba Bray was going to make him die from the beginning just by the obsure hints on her website!.Www@QuestionHome@Com