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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Will there be a fifth max ride book? Who is max's voice if not Jeb? If not r

Question: Will there be a fifth max ride book!? Who is max's voice if not Jeb!? If not r max and fang together!? Luv them!!
Max needs to be with fang they just need each other!!! They should be together!. If James Patterson ends it with Final Warning I will personally hunt him down and give him a piece of my mind! Wouldn't U!!!! Who is the voice in her head! I am in advance classes and I cannot stand he did not tell us this stuff!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yea, theres gonna be a 5th book!. I cant wait!!! Its supposed to come out sometime next year!. I totally agree!!! Max and Fang better end up together!! I would probably be pelting his house with potaoes right now if he ended it with Final Warning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont think there will be a 5th book!.
he kind of ended it there!.!.!.
i didnt think the 4th book was all to grWww@QuestionHome@Com