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Question: Was Dracula in love with Mina!?
In the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Very little of the book was written from Dracula's perspective, or with any regard to the Count's feelings!. If he had any complex feelings, they were very well concealed by the author, who painted him as a childlike sociopath!.

Mina was going to become just another of his brides, and since he willingly left his brides behind when he went traveling, he didn't seem all that attached to them!. Besides, in the first part of the book when his ladies tried to seduce/drink Jonathan, he wasn't jealous of their attentions!.

I think Dracula treated his women like pets, not people to be loved!. He abandoned Mina easily enough when he left England -- not very loving behaviour!. So no, he was not in love with her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Could be!. At the very least, I think he was in lust with her because she reminded him of his wife who had died centuries before!. Of course, that might have been just in the move - it's been a while since I actually read the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He's a /vampire/!. He wants to make the big, strong men angry at him, and so he takes the most direct route by doing naughty, terrible things to the remaining woman of the group!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe that he was!. It just seemed that he was hungry!.!.!. and he prefers to 'drink' women!. It was also probably a plus that by 'drinking' her he made Van Helsing angry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont think soWww@QuestionHome@Com