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Question: What was that quote from As I Lay Dying!?
I read As I Lay Dying a little over a year ago, and I don't own the book!. There was a quote by Peabody that I really liked about cutting off Anse's head to cure a whole family!. Anyone know what I'm talking about or where to find it!? Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's been awhile since I've read that book, as well!. But I remembered what you were talking about, and since I do have a copy of the book, I looked it up!.!.!.

Peabody says this when he is talking to Cash (who, if I am remembering right, has an injured leg that the family tries to fix by pouring wet cement over it!.!.!.)!. Here is the quote: "God Almighty, why didn't Anse carry you to the nearest sawmill and stick your leg in the saw!? That would have cured it!. Then you all could have stuck his head into the saw and cured a whole family!.!.!." If it helps you at all, that quote is on page 240 of my version of the book!.

Best wishes!Www@QuestionHome@Com