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Question: What's a good way to get a book published!?
im only 11 but im told that i am a very talented author!. i have already been published in the news paper and want to get a real book published!. what is the best way to get it done!? do i need an agent!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The only sure way to get a book published is to write a brilliant manuscript!. Most published authors have re-written their work several times and an editor has done their magic on it!.

An agent is not necessary - some publishers, especially smaller ones, will accept unsolicited works directly from writers!. Find a copy of Writer's Market in your library for thousands of contacts!.

!.!.!. but first write your book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You don't technically need an agent, but it's the best way to go if you want to have a successful career!.

Submit a query letter and a one-page synopsis of your novel to a number of agents, along with a SASE!. Chances are, like just about everyone author out there, you'll experience a lot of rejection, so don't let that get you down!. Keep working at it, and most of all, continue writing no matter what! Even if you've already been published in newspapers, every writer has more to learn!. Read as much as you can, write as much as you can, and writing books are also very useful as far as learning what does and doesn't work goes!.

Best of luck to you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Write a manuscript, a query letter, and don't tell anyone your age until they're swooning over your work!. At that point age shouldn't be a factor (save for contracts which must have a parent cosigner)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com