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Question: Write me a story!?
can someone write a short story (200 words minimum (but try and make it alot)) starting with this sentence "The monster leered over me!. i felt genuine terror as its bulbous eyes analysed my every move!." (remember let your imagination run wild with that sentence)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Since I'm a creative writing major and am incredibly bored, I'll give it a shot!.

The monster leered over me!. I felt genuine terror as its bulbous eyes analysed by every move!.

I shouldn't be here, I thought as I moved backward hoping against hope that the creature would consider me about the same way that I would a crumb!. The size was definately the same, but I tried not to focus on the fact that its teeth were the size of my entire body!.

Leaning down, I could see the creature's feral yellor eyes!. For some strange and sadistic reason, I could not help but think of Little Red Riding Hood!. What big eyes you have, grandma!.

The moment that the creature was that close, i knew that I should run, scream, or do something other than what I was now doing!. Sadly, standing there in fright was all that I seem capable of!.

The creature opened its mouth and I felt his hot breathe as the jaws moved closer!.

What big teeth you have

Closer and closer as the jaws stared to close!.

Closer and closer!. I felt!.!.!.!.

Something small hit me on the head!.

"You really do get into these movies, don't you," I heard a voice say just as a kernal of popcorn hit me in the side of the head!. I turned my head to see my girlfriend laughing as I held her in my arms!.

We were sitting at home, watching the latest in a series of monster movies!. I had been expecting the unimaginative exploits of the past, but even now was surprised at how this movie had engrossed me!.

Honestly, it's not the best that I've done, but I'm sort of tired!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If this is your homework, then absolutely no!. It's people like you who scar our generation--people like you who make the generation above us fear!.

It's a two hundred word story!. That is so small and so little!. I could do the first draft in about five minutes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it where not for the fact that I am going in collage to be a teacher and I despise cheeters I would just love to give you the answers P!.S when I become a teacher I am going to look on this website for people like you who are in my class!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The monster leered over me!.I felt genuine terror as its bulbous eyes analysed my every move!.
I was frozen!.My heart thumping against my chest!!!

Suddenly I switched the Yahoo computer off and can't finish the story!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Get off your butt and do your own work!. Its not honest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com