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Question: Questions about the Twilight series!?
When Carlisle 'saves' someone, by biting them, does their body stay behind, for instance, when Rosalie was almost dead, would the people have found her dead body, or would they just think she is missing!?

How long has Jasper been a vampire!?

In the Twilight trailer, someone says 'this is wrong Edward, she's not one of us' is that Jasper or Emmett!?

At the beginning, how does Edward know Bella doesnt like to be called Isabella, saying as he cant read her mind!.

Thanks :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
no their body doesn't stay behind, carlisle bites them then that same body goes through the transformation!. so yea, the people would have just thought she was missing i guess!.

jasper has been a vampire since 1863 when he was 20!.

it was emmett who says 'this is wrong edward, she's not one of us' in the teaser trailer!.

as you know, all vampires have sensitive hearing!. he could have easily heard bella telling people to call her bella instead of isabella!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Their body stays with them they never leave it!. Rosalie had to run Emmett back to Carlisle when he was turned!. Jasper has been a vampire since!.!.!. I think it was the Civil War!. It was a war though!. I'm pretty sure it was the Civil War!. In the trailer it is Emmett speaking!. Jasper has blond hair and Emmett's hair is darker and shorter in the movie!. Edward knows she likes Bella over Isabella because that's what he's heard people call her in their minds and probably out loud!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He knows because the people reading bellas mind know she is called bella!.

There body doesn't stay behind -like how they didn't know that Alice had died so her grave said the day she was institutionalised!.

The guy in the trailer is Emmet!.

Jaspers been a vampire longer than Alice, not sure the exaact date!. Now i know!! 1863Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight Trailer - that's Emmett!.
Edward knows because he's read other peoples' thoughts when Bella has spoken to them, saying "It's Bella!."
That's all I can help you with ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is not fair!Www@QuestionHome@Com