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Question: The crucible - Why was Mr Parris in the woods!?
If it is true that these people in Salem and t these times were that they were afraid of gluing out into the woods, especially alone and at night!. Then why was Mr!. Parris in the woods on his own at night!?

It’s a question which is bugging both my friend and I, and also my English teacher!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Honestly, I think it is just a plot device!. The girls needed to be discovered to get Act One rolling, and you're right -- the woods were a symbol of evil to Puritans!.
It is highly unlikely that Parris was visiting a sick or dying parishioner or that he was traveling on business during the dead of night (he cares too much about his own comfort)!. The only other plausible explanation I can think of is that he noticed everyone else in his home (Abby, Betty, Tituba) was gone, and he went to the woods to investigate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He was the Reverend and nosey, control freak!. I always felt he was in the woods just to see if there was anyone he could censure and reprimand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com