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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is anyone sad there will only be 5 books in the twilight series?

Question: Is anyone sad there will only be 5 books in the twilight series!?
I am!.!.!. I really want a lot!. Like if Bella does turn into a vampire i want to know how that goes and stuff and like about her parents!. I mean dont get me wrong im excited for midnight sun since its told in edwards pov but i think i would rather have more books told in bellas about being a vampire if that really happens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Stephenie Meyer never said she would have just 5 books, she only said she was working on Midnight Sun!. She could have a story in someone else's point of view for all 4 books!.

I really hope she ends the story happy, I really don't want to cry either way!.

I want the story to continue because I want to know what will happen in her whole life, what will marriage life be like for her, will Edward and Bella's love for eachother grow!? Will Aro and his possy try to get to Bella again!? What will happen to Jacob!? Will he finally imprint when it seems like all hope is lost for him!?

Will Jacob ever forgive Bella for getting married to Edward!? How will Bella and Edward's physical life improve!? Will there ever be any bad things to happen to Edward and Bella!? How will Bella do with her new born thirst!? Will she have powers!? Will Bella be able to move on and stop thinking about how she loves Jacob too!? Will Bella's personality change once she's changed!? Will her new family be the same as they were when Bella was human!? Will Edward still find Bella attractive!?

These are all the questions running through my head!. Of course, all of us are sad about the ending of this story of Bella's human life!.

Hope this is the best answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah, i wish that she would keep writing, too!

but i was told by steph (in an interview, not in real life! i wish!) that breaking dawn was the last book TOLD BY BELLA and that more would come!. but hearing things on y!a, people say that breaking dawn is the last book--period--and i'm really sad about it!

and i wish i could be bitten by edward!. (you can call me w/e u want, spidermonkey =])

email me with twilight chit chat, and check out the link i give you! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

A little bit but it takes forever for Stephenie Meyer to get a book out!. (one book per year) So if there were say, 10 books in the series then I would not want to wait 10 years for the last book to come out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

me too!. but technically the series is only 4 books!. there is midnight sun throuhg edwards POV but i dont think it counts because its not a continuation!. i wish there would be like a millon lol i would read them all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Same!. Which is why i really don't like series books and i try not to read them!. but twilight just sucked me in!. it was amazing!. and im totally sad about the five book issueWww@QuestionHome@Com

well, Breaking Dawn is coming out!. And yeah, theres only gonna be 5 books, unless Steph decides to remake all the books in Edwards povWww@QuestionHome@Com

I totally feel the same way!!!
I want to be informed of how her new life is, what she does and how she deals with her parents
I'm happy to see New Moon
but I want more!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

YES! i wish she would just keep writing them! its gonna suc when they end but atleast breaking dawn is long and will hopefully sum everything up!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's five books!?!?!? Interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, there has to be an ending somewhere!. Four books is good!. And Midnight Sun, it's amazing we're even getting that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
