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Question: Help need to find a book!?
All I remember is how the book cover looked like and a brief summary about it!. The book cover was black and had an eye like stiched on it (the eye was in the middle and had stiches around the book-like if it was pop art) and blood around the eye!. It was basically about a boy and his sister who go to this woods with their parents for the summer; and one day the sister found a hidden door that lead underground!. Then they found tunnels leading to places this "moles" were at (that's what the brother called them)!. They were blind and I remembered the brother describing them as scary deformed things!. They befriend them after a few days and eventually the brother dosen't really trust them!. He tries to get away and the "queen mole" tells him he has to do something for her andf he can go and they won't ever bother him again!. I don't remember what he was suppose to do, but I think he stabs them and takes his younger sister with him and run away!. If anyone sort of knows the author/title tell me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"The Beasties" by William Sleator
"School Library Journal
Grade 4-5!?Doug and his precocious younger sister move to a deep forest when their botanist father has the opportunity to study a rare fungus!. Before they leave, Doug's friend warns him to stay away from the shadowy woods or the "beasties" will get him!. It's not long before the siblings are lured into an underground passage and meet up with the creatures!. At this point, the hairs on readers' arms will start to rise and the plot takes the bizarre twist so familiar in Sleator's titles!. Doug, presented with several dilemmas, is forced to make uncomfortable decisions without really understanding his choices!. Using his trademark techniques, Sleator sets the scene within everyday situations, introduces unusual plot elements with vivid description, develops the story line by leading readers though a labyrinth, and builds to an explosive ending with a message!. The Beasties follows this format and includes sibling rivalry, forest conservation, respect for those who are less valued or understood, choices and decisions, friendship, and a healthy dose of the creepy!. This is a quick read, with lots of suspense, but its real effectiveness lies in the way it introduces and explores issues of human choice and compassion, and the lingering questions after the reading is complete"Www@QuestionHome@Com