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Question: Historical romance novel-need a name or author!?
I read this book several years ago and I just thought about it yesterday!. I'm sure there is a series that surrounds the main characters in this book!. I think it is set in Scotland!. Maybe 18th century!. A "rogue" sort, has a "good time" at court one season!. Ends up with I'm thinking around 6 children, all girls, from different mothers!. None of the mothers want to raise the children or acknowledge they were pregnant because they are part of society!. He takes all the girls and raises them!. He hires a nanny to help with the girls and you guessed it, they fall in love!. It is revealed during the book that one of the girls isn't his biological child but he still raises her as his!. Anyone know this book or author!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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