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Question: Harry Potter Series!.!.!.!?
I've read the 1st one twice, and I read until the 3rd book!. I wasn't really into them that much, and I was wondering if they get better, more intense!?!? Worth reading!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yes it get better!!!!! in my opinion, i think that Harry Potter is the best series ever!. i know, when i was reading it, i didn't really get into it that much, but when you get to the number 4, it get really REALLY interesting!!! and it would get better when you get to book 5, 6, and best of all book number 7!. take my word for it, and don't stop reading!. it get really really really REALLY good!. and of course, its gets more intense!. it get a lot more intenses as you keep on reading!. and its is sooooooo WORTH reading it!. i love the book harry potter series sooo much!. keep on reading!. i am sure that you would enjoy it!! :)

happy reading!!!!!!

p!.s!. the movies are very good tooo =] just so you know :)but its only get to number 5!. 6 and 7 are coming out :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I didn't read the first two books, but I am a major Harry Potter fan, so of course my opinion on the books (that I've read) are that they are truly AAMMMAAAAAZZZZZZZZZIIIIIIIINNNNNGGGGG! You could find it otherwise, though!.

Anyway, I think they are worth reading, but maybe I'm just biased, or something!. Hahaha!.

What got me really obsessed with the series was the sixth book (even though the other ones were equally marvelous - I think it was just because I was growing up; therefore developing more appreciation towards the series)!.

I truly think you should try reading the rest!. :D

The characters get more interesting, and the story gets more and more exciting as time passes, and that's why I love the series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They become much more intense!. In the first book, all Harry has to worry about is getting the Sorceror's Stone!. By the time he gets to the seventh book, he's much older, he's having relationships, he's much more responsible - of course it's going to get more intense!. I think you should keep reading!. I know I did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As the characters mature, the books also mature!. They become much more intense, the dangers become greater!. Book 5, HP & the Order of the Phoenix, is my favorite of the whole series!. Harry leaves childhood completely behind him and takes huge steps toward adulthood in this book!.

Yes, read the series - it will be worthwhile!. Promise!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i, like you only read until the third book, and didn't want to read anymore because i found them dull!. when the fourth one came out, my mother sent it to me and told me to read it, and that i would not regret it!. she was right, it gets MUCH better after the third one, and i really recommend reading all of them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think 4, 5 and 6 were much better and worth reading!. The 6th one (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) is my all-time FAVORITE!

I didn't like the 7th one so much though!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

trust me u will love it!!!!!!!
the books starts getting more darker and complex
there is romance involved tooWww@QuestionHome@Com