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Question: P!.S!. I love you the movie or book!?
Do you like P!.S!. I love you the movie or P!.S!. I love you the book better!? I read the book first and then watched the movie!. My own personal opinion is that the movie is better!. I loved how although Gerry had died, Gerard Butler was able to make his character come to life!.!.!.i could feel Gerry's presence in the movie!.!.!.in the book it seemed to me as though he died and he stayed gone!. I felt that Gerard did a superb job as Gerry!. I also love Hilary Swank's portrayal of Holly!. I felt that her perfomance was fantasitic and she portayed acuarately all of the feelings and grieving of losing someone you love!. These are just my personal thoughts!.!.!.what are yours!? Did you like the movie or the book!? What about them did you like!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i liked both but i think im leaning a little bit more towards the movie!. i agree with you i thought hillary swank was really good in the movie!. usually i dont get too wrapped up in movies but i thought it was really good!. I agree again with Gerry presence- i could feel like he was there watching over her!. it was a great movie and book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i also read the book before i saw the movie but in my opinion the book was 100 times better!.!.!. i really don't like Hilary swank and the character of holly doesn't go with the actress Hilary swank who interprets it!.!.!.i really don't like the fact that the movie doesn't follow the book in totally !.!.!.!.!. and every single actor n this movie,they weren't at all how i pictured the characters!.!. i don't know but i simply liked more the bookWww@QuestionHome@Com

I really enjoyed the movie, especially with all the gorgeous Irish accents! However I enjoyed the book more!. The book had me hooked from page one, and i cried on every other page! The movie also made me cry, but i felt more emotional reading the book!. I disagree with you saying that you felt like you couldn't feel Gerry's presence in the book!.!. you felt it anytime she got a new letter and every time she thought about him!.!. I think the book enables you to emphasize more with holly then the film, hence it making it more emotional!.

- Alice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

probley the book, the book is usually better than the movie any wayWww@QuestionHome@Com