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Question: Male and female novel writers - which is published most often!?
Where could I find information on the ration of male to female published novelists!? Are more male writers published than female, or vice versa!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have no idea where the information could be obtained!. I don't believe anyone keeps that kind of record!. However, the question is not as simple as some would like to think!. It often depends on the genre or type of book!. Many publishers and the writers themselves believe, I think correctly, that it's harder to sell juvenile fiction to boys if the authors name is a female one!. That is exactly why Joanne Rowling started writing as "J!. K!." also, in the matter of genre, every male I know of who writes romance fiction use a female pen name!. Several women who write science fiction (not so much if they write fantasy) use their initials to blur that expectation!. A!. C!. Crispin would be an example although there have been several others for many years!. Once their readers have discovered them, it doesn't matter but it's that initial reaction at the book store shelf that can be a problem!. There are other areas of fiction with these kinds of issues but I doubt if you could ever pin it down to percentages of the market over all!. You can't accept as an answer here, one that says, "it just doesn't matter" we aren't that evolved yet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm afraid you are going to have to scale this question way down!.
If you could name a year, that MAY be helpful!.
Still, you should know that many women publish under a pen name as a man, and vice versa!.
I really don't see a good way to find this out for you!.

http://www!.asja!.org (American Society of Journalists and Authors)
This site has many more links on the homepage!. I didn't see one that leapt out at me, but I didn't read all of them either!. You may want to scroll down and see what you see!. You may have to become a member to see it all, though!.

You can try asking a reference librarian!.!.!. just give one a call at the biggest public library around you-- but I don't know that they will be able to tell you either!.
Still, they have research training and tools I don't, so that's my best suggestion!.
Best of luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it is pretty much 50/50 - different genres attract different genders (I'm speaking about the majority - I realise that men can write romance and women can write, say, crime and do it as well as the opposite gender) - overall its even!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

dont know maybe male!. But maybe female becuase they might sleep with the person who makes the books go on sale!.!.!.!.!.!.EWWW dont wanna think about itWww@QuestionHome@Com

no one looks at the gender anymore get over itWww@QuestionHome@Com