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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What can you tell me about the book Peake and Colley by Sidney Hetton?

Question: What can you tell me about the book Peake and Colley by Sidney Hetton!?
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Jollibee has shown him/herself to be the ugly one by insulting the asker!.

Peake and Colley is a historical novel by Sidney Hetton first published in 1962!.

The story is set in the mid 18th century and centers around the Liverpool Merchant, a slave ship employed in the triangular trade, a central trade route in the Atlantic slave trade!. The two main characters are cousins Isis Peake, son of a wealthy merchant from Exeter, and Murdoc Colley , a magician and whoremonger who goes on the voyage!. The novel's central theme is greed, with the subject of slavery being a primary medium for exploring the issue!. The story line has a very extensive cast of characters, some featuring in only one scene, others continually developed throughout the story, but most described in intricate detail!. The narrative interweaves elements of appalling cruelty and horror with extended comedic interludes, and employs frequent period expressions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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