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Question: Where should my story be set!?
My story is about this girl who thinks this other girl is a vampire (but she's not so keep reading) anyway when this girl dies she has to find out what happened because she's also suspicious of her boyfriend and yada yada yada!.!.!.what actually killed this chick was an entity of pure evil that can shape shift yada yada yada!.!.!.ANYWHO I want the main character to live in a town thats kind of old place but's still suburby any ideas!? I had had a thought on sherrill NY but I think it might be too smallWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Some place around New Orleans would be a good choice!. It's so voo-dooey anyway, plus think "Interview With a Vampire!." Another good choice would be up in Stephen King's area, New England!. Now that's a creepy place, all of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure really, but from what you said then it seems to me to would be more suspenseful ( if thats what you're going for) in a little town out in the country!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Louisiana!.!.!.seriously!. It goes very well with your "theme"
and could work for any century!.Www@QuestionHome@Com