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Question: Stephan King!?
Some of my friends really love Stephan King, and well I haven't read any of his books!. I want to though, and they all told me to read "It"!. So I am going to buy it next chance I get to go to a book store!.

But I was just wondering, are all of his books about horror!? Or is there little romance stories in them too!? Or well what is his writing like!?

I guess I could just read his books and find out, but I am just curious!. Thank youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
While most of King's books are marketed as horror, they've always been about familiy relationships or friendships, in my mind!. IT is a great example of the latter!. THE SHINING and DOLORES CLAIRBORNE examples of the former!. In fact, except for one minor event, I'd say DOLORES CLAIRBORNE -- one of my very favorite King novels -- is not supernatural at all!.
THE STAND is science fiction, as is THE LONG WALK and some of the other Bachman books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok, i am a huge stephen king fan!. ive read them all and ill tell you that they are not all horror!. there are some supernatural, a very few with some romance!. The Stand is a very good one with a good ending and not horror!. The Dark Tower Series is awesome and not horror, more of an adventure!. The Talisman is also excellent and is adventurous and supernatural with some wonderful characters!. most of the rest are horror but i think you just need to check each one out and maybe read the blurbs for each one and decide for yourself whether you want to read it or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most his books are horror but he writes dramas too like Green Mile and Hearts in Atlantis; but if you ask the dictionary is more interesting than King!. His style is bland, all his plots are recycled from other authors, and he explains things to death to meet the length quote publishers have ascribed!. He is just crap if you want good horror read John Saul!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not all are horror, Lisey's Story, The Green Mile, Christine, The Eyes of the Dragon, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon!.

There is actually a giveaway for 53 of his books on a writing site called chapteread!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

King is best known for his work in horror fiction, which demonstrates a thorough knowledge of the genre's history!. He has also written science fiction, fantasy, short-fiction, non-fiction, screenplays, teleplays and stageplays!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stephen King has written other books besides horror!. Go to his personal website -- stephenking!.com--and get the full list!. Lucky you -- to discover this wonderful writer for the first time!.
Incidentally he will be appearing in the upcoming TV series, "Castle!." on ABC-TV!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, not all his books are horror!. He also wrote the Green Mile and Hearts in Atlantis!.!.do a google search or look on Amazon!.com and there will probably be a list of books there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He wrote one book called Bag of Bones that has some romantic undertones!. It was definitely an interesting book!.
(but it is also classic Stephen King!.!.!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com