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Question: How Does This Sound!? (Opinons Please!)!?
Alright, well I'm writing a mystery novel!. It's about a young detective named Brooklyn Sommers who's younger sister, Marilyn was kidnapped!. She is trying to catch the culprit with all her heart and soul until finally she recieves a note that tells her to come to a Masquerade Ball to meet him (The kidnapper)!. She arrives, and she recieves a message from him that instructs her to go to a Hotel room upstairs (It is being held at a Five-Star, extremely fancy-like Hotel called the Grand Estate Hotel) and they end up fighting to what seems like will be to the death!. I just wrote the 19th chapter entitled "Forget", and I wanted an opinion on it!. It's a bit long, so be patient!. Coming in the next post!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
O my god, this is absolutely marvelous! Bellisima! This is so beautiful I love it! I too am writing a book, perhaps I will post it so you can judge mine, i need constructive criticism!. Oh, but i fear that you will laugh at the sight of it you are simply fantastic with the sewn images that you have stitched into my mind branding my thoughts! I applaud you, really I do, you should see the grin that broadens at the sight of you're words! Please await when I can post mine, and I may talk with you later of course if you don't mind my doing so!. ; ) Arrevadelchi!
Always with up most honesty,
Briar <3Www@QuestionHome@Com

sounds good but i got confused somehow!. i want to read ur book!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i loved it and now i want to read itWww@QuestionHome@Com

wow that was better written than most published books ive read, i would absolutly love to read the entire story!.
it seems to have a very good plotWww@QuestionHome@Com

sounds interesting!.!. id read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like it--you're obviously a talented writer--there are a few things, as an editor, I might suggest, but that will come down the road--keep it up!Www@QuestionHome@Com