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Question: I cant figure out where to start!.!.!. lol!?
So I have this whole book in my mind, and I just can't think of how to start it!.
I know that once I have even the first line I will be rolling,
any idea where to start!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have one of two suggestions!.

1 - If you have another part of the book already in mind and you know exactly how you want to write it, don't wait til you reach that part, go ahead and write it now!.

2 - also links to the first!. Think about where you want to be later in the book and how you're going to get there!. Find a scene you already know, and work your way back to the beginning!. Think about what is there later in the book that wasn't there in the beginning!.

In order to catch the readers attention and keep them reading, you gotta give them a question!. I don't know what your story is about so I can't suggest one!. Present something to the reader that they'll have to keep reading more and more to find out whats going on!.

Eg!. His body ached, blood dripping from his head, his memory!.!.!.!. gone!.

Three questions have been asked!. Whoevers reading will want to keep reading to find out why his body aches, how did he get injured and what happened to him!. Thats the best way to start a book!.

If you want more help, send a small idea of what is supposed to happen in the opening to me in a message and I can give you a first sentence, cause I'm a writer and I know that as soon as you have the first sentence everything else will just fall into place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just sit down and start!. Don't over think the problem!. You don't even have to start at the beginning, you just have to start!.

If you get through the whole story I guarantee you that you'll have rewritten the first thing you wrote several times!.

No really, stop reading this!. Unplug the internet and start typing and make sure you write something every day even if it isn't part of your story!. I can't stress enough that you just have to start writing, writing anything and writing everyday!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Im currently writing a story myself, and I am starting it right in the mids of a drama!. If you have trouble writing the begining, start it with problem, or something interesting happening!. If you don't prefer writing the begining first, then start with simpily describing your main character, something like 'She had long, dark hair that flowed behind her, and bright eyes that shone like a moon!.!.!."
or whatever your main character looks like :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

One day very long ago, in the future!.!.!.!.!. there was a %^&*( and a ((*@@!~~ and they!.!.!.!.!.
Any help!!
P!.S!. So, you got a whole book in your head!.!.!. except the first sentence!.!! !.!.!.!.and the second !.!.!.!.and thWww@QuestionHome@Com