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Question: Sally Gassaduex - A New One!?
Many legends abound about the Wild West, but few have heard the story of the loudest belcher in the history of America's frontiers!. Sally Gassaduex's belch could be heard across state lines, or so they say!. Her belch saved the lives of more than one Wild West hero!. Why, Wyatt Earp his-self owed his life to her belch knocking the gun out of a would be assassin's hand on a whiskey fueled night!. No one knew how the little lady did it, but she could summon window breaking burps at will with only the fuel of a single beer and hot pepper under her belt!. But Gassy Sally didn't start out with her incredible belching skills, she trained long and hard to build up her legendary burb!. This is her story!.

That's the opening to one of my new stories!. Kind of a you can do what you set your mind to theme, and girls can do what ever guys can do!. What do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They may be on to something Vet!. Your own fairy tale book!. The Brothers Grimm !.!.!. Hans Christian Anderson !.!.!. The Vet!.!.!. This can be big!. Call your agent - get Random House on the phone!. Make sure you sell the movie rights big too!. Don't do anything until both Tim Burton and Quentin Tarentino have made offers!. Forget Quentin though - he always has to be in his own movies and he has this issue with continuity!. Burton -- definitely Burton!. You have, in your drunken stupor, stumbled upon your destiny!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

Superminion has a point!.
Series are popular now!. How about A Series of Unfortunate Heroes!?
Goldfish, the Wild West, snot eating vampires meet Cinderella (perhaps that's what ruined her relationship with the prince!?)
Recurring characters and genre bending, combined with your unique perspective on kid lit could make you the next --- no, I just can't, I can't bring myself to say it!. !. !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you should combine some of your stories!. What if Timmy Wimperton was such a wimp because he believed that his hero, Gassy Sally, would save him someday!?Www@QuestionHome@Com