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Question: Does a middle initial give an author credibility!?
Some authors use their complete names: Bret Easton Ellis!.

Some just first and last: Tim O'Brien

Some throw in initials: C!. S!. Lewis

Do the initials give the name a bit of credibility, a touch of class or sophistication!? What about the complete middle name!?

If my name were Theodore Simplymorius Albedopsopson would it look better like:

1) Theodore Simplymorius Albedopsopson
2) Theodore S!. Albedopsopson
3) Theodore Albedopsopson
4) T!. S!. Albedopsopson

Any thoughts!? Why!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
With that name, I'd just use 'Albedopsopson'!. One word!. It's not like you need the other names to distinguish you from all the other Albedopsopsons in the world!.

Sadly, I think the shortest names sell more books simply because you can recognise them when glancing at the spine of the book!. Walking past a Stephen King book on a shelf always gets my attention just because it has that massive KING emblazoned on the spine!. It works even with authors I know I don't like!.

To offer an alternative to CK1's interpretation:
1) I'm a science fiction author, and use as many extra words in my writing as my parents used in my name!.
2) That middle initial is the only thing that's ever distinguished me in life
3) Yep, that's me, the average guy you walk past every day at lunch!.
4) I tried to write poetry in high school!. And college!. And!.!.!. well, I still try!.

A question for you -- are any of the children's book ideas you post real, or are you just messing with us all!? There's so many of them!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is more about the name telling you something concerning the author than about credibility!. One caution: it's not a foolproof system!. Perhaps you could perfect it!?

1-It may sound pretentious to you, but I'm a deep thinker and have something important to say!.
2-I'm a deep thinker and a bit mysterious, but you'll learn from me!.
3-I am who I am!. I have no intention of spicing it up for your approval, but you'll be glad that I wrote this down so you could read it!.
4-I don't care what you think of me, and I don't particularly want to be recognized by you if we should meet!. However, I have a story to tell!. Come, enter my world!.

BTW: I love that name you gave!. People would debate, forever, the proper pronunciation for Albedopsopson!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No matter how lovely Theodore Simplymorius Albedopsopson would look on a book, I think that T!. S!. Albedopsopson would look better!. In a case where each name is at least 9 characters long, I think making sure that the cover is not cluttered by too many words is essential! Could you imagine how that would look with a multi-worded title!? You wouldn't have room for cover art!!

Good luck and happy writing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think how a name is printed gives anyone credibility!. Although i heard that when J!.K!. Rowling first got published they used the initials because they didn't want people to know right away that a woman wrote the books because it was thought that with buyers knowing she was a woman, the books wouldn't get sold which I think is stupid!. Oh well!.

Options 2,3,and 4 look fine!. The first just looks really really long that's the only problem but i don't think it would discredit someone or give them more credibilityWww@QuestionHome@Com

I like #4!. It adds extra mystery to an already mysterious last name!.!.!.

Plus the simple "T!. S!." simplifies the name!. And I feel that the subsequent reduction of syllables improves the name's "rhythm!."

This is an interesting question, to be sure!. It makes me wonder how differently the U!.S!. President would be viewed if his name was simply "George Bush!." Maybe having the "W" and its extra syllables gives his name a different rhythm or something!.!.!.

Hafwen xWww@QuestionHome@Com

Under normal circumstances, I say go with your first and last name!. I even would say this with yours!. However, since you last name is so long, I see nothing wrong with using your first and middle name initials instead!. Initials do not make anyone any more credible, though!. Keep that in mind!. And really!.!.!. you could always ask your agent what they think!. ^^Www@QuestionHome@Com

All depends on the name!.

If that were your name, I would adopt a nom de plume!. But if you don't want a fake name, I'd go with 4!. It's just too much of a name!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like the initials at the end!. Theodore S!. Albedopsopson PhD sounds good to me!. Unless it stands for "Pretty Horny Dude" Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

4 looks pretty good, but it won't make an iota of a difference, unless you can actually write!.

GO for 4Www@QuestionHome@Com

Theodore Simplymorius Albedopsopson, Esq!.
Just make sure you write really big books!.

add: hello darlinWww@QuestionHome@Com

Number 4 is better because it saves both space and ink!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like #2Www@QuestionHome@Com

To know them more easier by the costumer!.!.!.!.
You Know!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no hahaWww@QuestionHome@Com