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Question: Have you ever had a book ruined for you!?
Okay so I've had two books ruined for me now!. and it really sucks!. Harry Potter in its series and now Twilight!. I enjoy reading about it and even more i enjoy shipping!. In harry potter i ship Harry/Luna!. I also ship Ron/Hermione!. and several other ships!. and in twilight i ship Bella/Jacob!. YES I SHIP THEM!.
But this is my issue!. People always say bad things about the ship!. dont they realize that might make people feel bad!? if you dont like jacob/bella thats FINE!. but dont come to me or anyone else with your nonesense of "omg! edward is SOOO much better! are you insaneeee!?!" no!. i just have my different opinions on who i would like together, regardless of what the author does!. maybe i dont LIKE bella/edward together!. thats not a crime you know!. but my question is, have you ever gotten so down that people were bashing your ship and complaining about a favorite character of yours so much that it's just been ruined for you, or IS being ruined for you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well I've never heard of "ship" before in the terms that you're using it in!. But I feel like the books have been a bit ruined for me because it started as this huge thing about a very charming vampire (Edward) and about an ordinary girl (Bella) falling in love!. It went from that enchanting first book (Twilight) to a love triangle that I never would have suspected!.!.I suppose that the hype and obsessive fans have sort of ruined it!. But!. I can honestly say that I would read Twilight again but I don't know if I could say the same about New Moon and Eclipse!. Sometimes I just wished it had stopped at just Twilight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone is entitled to their opinion!. By talking about books (especially shippers which becomes a big mess because everybody has their own favorite), you're putting your own opinion among others!. Either stay out of it or deal with it!.

And no, I've never had a book ruined for me!. I don't care what other people say, it's what I think and believe that matters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well sometimes i've had a book ruined by the author itself!.!.!. it starts out with a great beginning, middle part, etc!.!.!. then boom! the ending sux!. or as you read on, u kinda loose interest cuz someone inadvertently tells u the ending or etc!.!.!. yea it does suck but if u truly like the book, then keep on reading and form ur own opinion or just ignore those around u too ^-^Www@QuestionHome@Com