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Question: Meet the author of of Twilight!?
okay!. so!.!.!.!.!. my friend babysitts Stephanie Meyer's boys and she said she could ask Stephanie Meyer if i could come meet her!. but i am not sure if i should waste her time!. should i have my friend ask!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i would KILL to meet her! she is amazing! i love twilight, new moon, eclipse, the 1st chapter of breaking dawn, and the 1st chapter of midnight sun! i'm so excited for the release of midnight sun on aug 1!
and i'm SO happy u posted a link to edwardmeadow!.com on tht 1 question u answered!
STEPHENIE MEYER IS MY HERO! TELL HER SLOANE SAYS HI! and tell her that i'm 1 of her biggest fans! omg omg omg! ahhhh! ahhhh!

i really hope ur not kidding!. cuz i'd seriously do anything to ask her about the river flow of her books (cuz i'm a writer, and i can't always get a flow to finish my stories!. !. !.)!.

omg omg omg!. !. !.don't waste this opportunity! take the chance! ask her ALL about edward and if she tells u about him, post a question telling all about it (for me, PLEASE!?)!!!!!! and ask about alice! she's my fav character!
and about emmett the teddy bear! ahhHHH!

god ur osm!. ur so lucky!. wow!.

**sorry i just freaked out and ranted about twilight, the greatest book on earth!.**

ps, the host wuz GREAT, too! =]]]]]] (no amount of smileys could describe how osm it would b 2 meet steph! i'd love 2 babysit her kids! ahhhHHH!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I definitely think you should! Tim Russert was one of my favorite journalists & i once had the opportunity to meet him and i didn't take it & i'll forever regret it--so i think you should do it!. Just keep in mind though it won't be anything like what you expected!.

also, Cassie, if you could do me a favor & re-read the question of mine that you responded to--i would appreciate that!. Because you responded to it--but I don't think you really understood what i was asking!. Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Uhhhh!.!.!.why not!?!?!?!?!!!!?!?!?
Just don't take up too much of her time asking billions of questions!. But just say "Hi, I love your books!. You're a great writer!." and then ask 1 or 2 questions!. Just go with your friend when she babysits!. It sounds like a great opportunity!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hells yeah! i would kill to meet Stephenie Meyer! I think that would be an awesome experience!. you should do it!. i don't think it would be wasting her time she is as big as she is because of her fans like you and me! lol

Look at it this way: why not!? A chance to meet a favorite author doesn't come often!. Don't worry; a few friends of mine met her at a book signing, and they say she's nice and down-to-earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why not!? I'm sure you could go with her one day while she babysits!. Just don't act like obsessive or squeal and stuff!.!.I'm sure you wouldn't though!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

take the chance because opportunities like this dont come around all that oftenWww@QuestionHome@Com


Hell yes! Why wouldn't you!? Seriously!.!.!.go for it! I'm so jealous!. Just don't freak out or anything!Www@QuestionHome@Com

she is so amazing so why not!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

that is so awesome
of course u shouldWww@QuestionHome@Com