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Question: Movies vs!. Novel!?
I am reader, I prefer books to movies and every movie I have ever seen based on a novel I have read, has been a disappointment!. Am I alone in my opinion of this or does anyone else feel this way!?
Has anyone seen a movie based on a novel they have read that was in fact, better than the book!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I've never seen a movie that I would considered better, but there are three that come to mind, that are probably equal!.
Gone With The Wind is an excellent book and movie!. Probably the best out there in both catagories!.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest was such a good book, and the movie was so great!. It would probably be the only movie I would say is better than the book, but only because of Jack Nicholson's amazing performance!. It gave such life to an great character!.
The last one is the miniseries that was created for the novel Lonesome Dove!. It was great, although the book was better!.

Pretty much what I can say about those three movies, is that although they aren't better, they do their novel counterpart justice!. Which I guess is all that matters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am a reader also and prefer books to movies!. In movies they have to leave out so much of the description which gives the reader the feeling they are in the story!. It's hard to picture what is going on in the mind of the author this way!.
In movies they have a time limit to establish the characters in the book!. Sometimes the smallest part of a person mannerisms, nature, and quirks are the most important, books give you this!. Movies have to limit where the characters are physically in the story!. For instance streets, beaches, dark alleys!. If action is involved in the story a movie will limit some of this to accommodate the chase so to speak!. In books you are there in the dark ally or the beautiful moonlight beach feeling what the character is feeling!. I thought "The Client" was true to the book as well as "Kiss the girls" to name a couple!. "The Beach" was one of the worst in my opinion!. In summation give me a quiet room, comfortable chair and a good book aah!. BlissWww@QuestionHome@Com

The movie Fight Club was better than the book in my opinion!.

Another Palahniuk novel, Choke, is coming out in September, and from the previews I think I'm going to like it better than the book as well!.

Maybe the accusation is true and Palahniuk really is just writing ready-made blockbusters!.!.!.!.

But I tend to agree that the movies aren't as good as the book!.

But sometimes when looked at as separate entities they are very good!. Like the movie American Psycho was very good on it's own merit (But the novel by Bret Easton Ellis is better by far)!. And Catch-22 is an enjoyable movie standing on it's own (But nowhere near as brilliant as Heller's novel)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Books are usually better because they're what are written first!. Movie makers can't possibly put everything in it because that would take too long!. So they do what they must!. I'm usually not disappointed because I don't expect it to be better!. Except Eragon!. I have to admit, that was worse than I thought it would be!. The one movie I can think of that I liked better than the book is Hoot!. I like the changes they made better than the movie!. And they actually didn't take out much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would rather read an average book than have to sit through any of the vomit Hollyweird pushes off as great entertainment now days!. Books for me all the way! I have never seen a book based movie that was better!. Hated what they did to Tolkiens works, and refuse to watch the Narnia series, and am utterly disappointed in the adaptations of the Stephen King books, and what about the travesty that became Hitchhikers Guide!? uuuuggghhhhhhh!. Hollyweird ran out of original ideas about 40 years ago!.!.!.!.and does poorly in its interpretations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe, just maybe, Gone With The Wind or the Chronicles of Narnia (I just couldn't get into that series)!.!.!. but that's all I can think of!. There have been many huge disappointments (i!.e!. the Outsiders, Bridge to Teribithia), but others that have been fantastic, like Harry Potter, the Devil Wears Prada (the book was by farrrrrr superior, but the movie was also great), and many others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree!. however, not every movie based on a book has been completely awful, but most of them are completely awful!.

the ONLY movie that i have seen that has been better than the book is "prince caspian"!. the book was kinda boring and the movie had much more action!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I prefer the books, too!. The movies let out so many details the books had!. But the movies are still good!. In some cases, the movies are horrible!. In other cases, the movie is better the the book, but that is rare!.

Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Books are always better than the movies, because movies leave out some details!. However, I have seen plenty of good book-based movies!. For instance, neither LotR nor Narnia was utterly true to the book, but I did love them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Usually the movies do not live up to the books, EXCEPTING the Chronicles of Narnia!. Trust me the movies are SO much better, and not at all misogynistic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i prefer books
and i am with you and i feel exactly that way except for a book i read that i liked the movies better and that would be AquamarineWww@QuestionHome@Com

I have to agree!. The only movies that I thought came close to being as good as the book were Lonesome Dove (miniseries), A Room with a View, and About a Boy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All except "Firestarter" by Stephen KingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Movie better than book!.
Clockwork OrangeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Most of the time I agree, but with a few I love them both equally!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can't think of any!.Www@QuestionHome@Com