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Question: Help with writers block!?
I'm starting on my second book (which follows straight on after the first)!. I have such bad writers block at the moment - any tips!? I have all my ideas down but writing the actual words isn't working! I have absolutely no flow right now and it's so annoying =[Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wait till monday - i'll just talk all the shittt and you devise words from that :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Regarding writer's block, I think it happens for good reasons!. Usually a bit of time away from work rids you of annoyance, at least, but I think the 'block' has happened to help you get a new, fresh look at what you've already written!.

If I find myself at a loss for words to continue a piece, I go back over what I've already written, and start the always-necessary re-write!.

I pretend I'm someone else seeing the work for the first time (funny, but it works) and that way any flaws become more obvious to me, and often are pretty easy to fix!.

The interest in a new work is then rekindled and refreshed, 'cause I know I've done my best so far, and I have new ideas for continuiing to write!.

Good luck with your books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

~maybe look at what motivated you to write book one, then before you find premise for second, figure out the whole story, ~you can start with a stroll down memory lane, but there has to be a path already there, then you can pickups pieces as you go, and leave bread crumbs for the readers to follow,
~who's in the story, and who's telling the story, and who is your target audience, you can tell a story about daisy chains, but the popularity of learning how to's may or may not be of interest to the reader, but possibly if crafty enough,
~ there may not be a block as much as theres is activity and actions or excitement, you can write about a pet rock , but its in chapter one, !.!.!. still there in chapter two, and so on, maybe go for a walk and see the sites, see what other folk see and hear, and add those features to your story, have fun,?


I got this suggestion from Stephenie Meyer, the author of Twilight!. She said that she just wrote whatever scene she was interested in writing at the time, instead of writing from beginning to end!. This will make the writing process more fun for you and you probably won't experience writers block as much!. Good luck on your second book!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I write poetry, and I find it is hard to do it in
a) a time limit
b) a specific topic or
c) with an idea that doesn't interest me or I don't know much about!.

My advice!? Just start typing and see where you get!. Then, delete whatever you think is unessesary!. I have written stanzas of poetry before, reread it, and scrapped the whole thing!. There is nothing wrong with that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My stars today said if you write with pen and paper you may find you have more success than if you type!.!.!.could be worth a go!.

My own advice would be just write anything!.!.a piece of description , a sketch of a person anything to get over the OMG I can't write bit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't write in order of when the events come- write the chapters you can write!. Most writers do this!. And keep a notebook of ideas, phrases- I do and it's very useful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What was your first book!? Has it been released!? I would suggest taking a break and maybe going back and rereading your first book or even some of it to get you back in the flow of things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Take a step back and don't pressure yourself to write!. Take a day or two and wait for inspiration to come to you!. You can't force it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you constantly find it has no flow, maybe it doesn't belong!. Sometimes, books should only come in ones!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

listen to some music or go for a jog or something to help clear your mind, and if you can go to a yoga classWww@QuestionHome@Com