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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What book is this, it's been bugging me?

Question: What book is this, it's been bugging me!?
in this book there is a baby named pinto or pinpin for short, there is also a wind mill or something that can make music, the people live in housing acording to how valued there family was, they weere color cooridinated with the better families in the middle of the cities, the other families on the outside of the city, and the "worst" families lived underneath the city and nobody know about them

it was called something like wind song i think, but it's bean bugging me and i have to findout

THX in advanceWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Wind Singer! By William Nicholson!! It's one of my favorite books! I LOVE this trilogy!. The first is The Wind Singer, the second is Slaves of the Mastery, and the third is Firesong!. These books are so overlooked!. I'm 19 and still love them! I consider them some of my favorites! Here's a link to the first book:


Thanks for asking this question! =DWww@QuestionHome@Com