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Question: How Can I Spice Up My Story Plot!?
Its a murder mystery, involving a hitman on the loose!. Does anyone have any simple tips on how to spice the whole thing up!? Best answer is chosen tomorrow morning!. ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The simplest tip I know is that characters can make or break a story!. Your characters should have motive and their own unique quirks! The characters obviously cannot be perfect, they need to be flawed and they should make mistakes!.

Spice it up with red herrings, and clues in the details!. Make your reader overlook little things that will ultimately have a huge effect in what's coming next, make them say 'oh, i shoulda seen that!'!.

You gave us some pretty bare details to work with, and that's the best I can do!. Good luck!. :]


Is the hitman the murderer!?
If he is not, but is instead 'a hitman on the loose,' suggest you have him undergo an 'epiphany' (moment of some kind of enlightenment or idea) that makes him want to be a regular guy and stop his hitman job!.!.!. but he can't without lots of risk!.

If the hitman is your whodunit, suggest his son/daughter/niece or even a stranger join him when they see him, complicating his life of crime no end!.

Two ideas, neither one an idea you have to leave as is!.!.!. sometimes just a word or two from someone else opens up your own idea gates!.
Good luck with your story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The best way to spice anything up is with a realistic occurance!. Make it something you have yourself expereinced, or somthing you know happened to someone you know!. It makes it real!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Subplots!. Romance works, too, but!.!. I don't know, I don't read murder mysteries!.Www@QuestionHome@Com