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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does this sound like a good idea for a story? Suggestions...?

Question: Does this sound like a good idea for a story!? Suggestions!.!.!.!?
The story takes place in a religious compound, secluded from the rest of the world by high walls, miles of uncharted wilderness, and holy, "unbreakable" laws!.

In this place, a friar named Kristofer, tasked as Town Historian, has the sacred duty of writing down daily occurrences for the public record!. As such, he is one of the few, outside of the higher echelons of Church Theocracy, who is literate!.

He becomes burdened with troublesome thoughts--inquiring thoughts about divinity, the outside world, the true nature of right and wrong, sexual intercourse-- and begins to write a log of a different nature; a private diary of his "sinful" thoughts and emotions!.

With the new freedom to express his thoughts without scrutiny, he begins to translate them into action!. He breaks his vows of chastity, aids in the escape of a convicted Witch, (who was to be burned) and begins to consider escaping to freedom!.

But soon, an inquisitor named Tulinius gets wind of his heresy!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sounds ok up to the witch part!. Why not a convicted adultress!. Hold the burning, why not something like a scarlet letter!. Maybe they branded her some way or was going to put her to public shame and she wanted to escape!.

Maybe the adultress was the leaders wife and the historian was having an affiar with her!. That could be how to tie the sexual tension together!.

You can still have Tulinius know about the affair!. Maybe he wants something to stay silent!. Something sinister!.

I don't want to put your idea down it is good too!.!.!.I just thought I would throw something out there because you asked!. Take my idea for what ever it is worth!.!.!.Have fun and good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds really interesting!. Kind of a late coming-of-age story with intrigue!.!.!. I would read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That sounds pretty awesome!. I like it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would read it and i am very picky about what i readWww@QuestionHome@Com