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Question: I need a Name for a elven fairy princess!.!?
I need a Name for a elven fairy princess!.!?
Hi, I am Julia from Germany!.

I don't speak english very well!. But I need an english nickname for a elven fairy princess in a roleplay!.

How would you call the Fairy which fist Name is Milena!.

Her second name should have something to do with nature, trees, wood, harmony, flowers or something like that!.

Please help me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First, I would like to say you speak English very, very well!

Second, a nickname to Milena could be; Mel, Missy, Sassy, Misa, Lena, Ayla!.

Third, a second name could be; Oak, Lillie (or Lily), Maple, Creek, Lilac, Daisy, Eve, Rose, Autumn, April, May!.

I hope I helped :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

How about Milena Riverwind!? It has to do with nature and sounds like a pretty name for an elven fairy princess!Www@QuestionHome@Com

How about Mile or Milly Twiglington
or Miley Autumn ForestWww@QuestionHome@Com