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Question: What are some good World War II books!?
For a teenager!? It can be any part of the war!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Here's a link that may be able to help!. Hope u find what u need!. Good luck!.


Non Fiction

The Berlin Diary by William L!. Shirer!. Very good first person account of the early war, he was a reporter stationed in Germany and saw a lot of it up front!.
also,"The nightmare Years," by Shirer!.

A fiction account which is good is "A night of watching" which is about the Danish underground --google title!. it is out of print

Anne Frank's Diary is a good start!. also there are several more recently published teen accounts of life in Poland during WWII!.

There is a interesting book about life as a Jewish refuges in Shanghi --google Jewish refuges shanghi WWI!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are looking for non-fiction, then I recommend any of the books by Stephen Ambrose!. He is an excellent writer who can write a history book that anyone can read - you won't be bored or overwhelmed with names and dates and places when you read his books!. You feel more like you are reading a novel than an history book; he includes information that a lot of history writers leave out - and it is this stuff that makes these books more interesting!. Start with D-Day or Band of Brothers, but there are many more good titles covering many different aspects of the war - primarily centered on American forces and units!.

For historical fiction, you can try Catch-22 by Joseph Heller or Winds of War and War and Remembrance by Herman Wouk!.

For a more sci-fi touch, try Weapons of Choice by John Birmingham!. A modern naval task force is acidentally transported back in time to just before the Battle of Midway right in the midst of the American fleet on the way to the attack!. Will modern weapons and technology be enough to change the outcome of the war!? There are three books in this series, but this one will get you started!.

If you are looking for something a little different, but that takes place during this time, then you might want to check out the Worldwar series by Harry Turtledove!. This series is about an alien invasion of Earth during World War II!. Former enemies must unite to help prevent the conquest and colonization of Earth by these aliens!. A lot of historical characters make appearances in these book!. The series starts with In the Balance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Burden of Guilt by Hannah Vogt (it's old, but very good)!. It concerns Germany's part in the war!. It is one of the new textbooks Germany had issued to properly address what happened in Germany before, during, and after the war!. It's also a fast read!.

Blood Sweat and Tears--a collection of Winston Churchill's speeches just before and after the start of the war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Citizen Soldiers by the late Stephen E!. Ambrose!.
It is about the U!.S!. Army from the Normandy beaches to the Bulge to the surrender of Germany!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you read The Book Thief!? It's fiction, but really good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fiction or nonfiction!? Will edit with suggestions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dream When You're Feeling Blue by Elizabeth BergWww@QuestionHome@Com