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Question: I want to write a vampire/human love story!?
there's something so erotic about a love story between a vampire and human, and i want to write a story about it- but after reading Twilight, i feel like i might copy off of her ideas unintentionally!. any ideas how i can think up my own vampire/human love story!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There actually have been quite a few books that evolve a love story between vampires and humans but they don’t sell well because a vampire having sex breaks the idea of a vampire!. He has no blood that’s why he drinks human blood!. To obtain and erection you need blood!.!.!.!. see the flaw!.!.!.!. most vampire fans fine books like twilight and the hundreds like it insulting to the fantasy of vampires!. The fact that they live a damed live with no love or human touch is part of the draw to them!. So the idea of a vampire being able to be with someon is and insult to vampire fans!. The only reason I can figure that twilight sold so well is because its aimed at teens!. So if you want to write a similar book aim it at teens or it won’t sell!. also you will have to come up with a totally new and complex plot line and some how involve the love story in it!. It has to be totally different from twilight or you will get nailed with copy write infringement!. I do not think it is possible to write this!. If you do you will either get major fines due to copy write or no publisher will take it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could always just write a GOOD story!. Then it would be nothing like Twilight!. Harr harr!.

But my own hatred of Twilight aside, there are a lot of ways that it wouldn't have to be a copy of that series!. After all, the genre of vampire/human romance existed long before Stephenie Meyer was born, believe it or not!. Try making a list of themes and ideas Meyer uses (taking place in high school, in the present day, the vampire's overpowering desire for that specific human's blood, a heterosexual romance, the characters not wanting to have sex before marriage, the vampire being "perfect" physically, and countless others) and just make sure not to use too many yourself!. You don't have to purposely avoid every single aspect in Twilight, since vampire romance is a genre built on cliche anyway!. Just play with the relationship or the circumstances in some way(s) that makes it unusual and interesting!.

And definitely read some other authors within the genre to get a perspective on how different writers handle the subject!. Anne Rice and Bram Stoker's Dracula are good starting points!.

Have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you've only read Twilight, I'd try reading Laurell K Hamiltion's Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter novels!. I've never read Twilight, but her novels might give you more ideas and a broader idea of what you could write about!. Her books revolve around Anita and her love of a vampire, Jean Claude, and a werewolf, Richard!. They are excellent books and I highly recommend reading them before writing anything about a vampire and human love story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

amy thing involving vampires and humans in love will be thought of as copying Twilight!. But i suppose to make it interesting, make it a more distant love!. Edward and Bella are so upclose, and so touchy!.!.!.even if Edward always wants to kill her!. or make it so they've always been friends, and they fell in love, and all of a sudden, one of them finds out that their family is vampires, and they start transforming, and their trying to stay together, but for the others safety, it's impossible, !.!.!.pretty much anything you want to do, no matter what, will connect to Twilight, STephanie meyer did a pretty intense job!. If you need any help, just send me an e-mail or something!.

Okay, just wanna say your question makes no sense!.!.!.!. "Any ideas (indicating help from others) how I (indicating you doing it yourself) can think up my own (indicating you want to claim the ideas for yourself) vampire/human love story!?" what the hell!.!.!.
oh vampires don't exist!.
by the way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

how about a female vampire were she must drink the blood of a prince if not is died, however the man she eventually falls in love with after stalking him!. Now a relationship is developed and they are both in love with each other!. If she drinks the blood (his) he's change and never be the same man!.
I hope this helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Try reading the twilight series with the books:
New Moon
Eclipse !.!.!.
and a new one coming out in august!. The author is Stephanie Meyer ( i think i spelled her name right) the whole series is about a vampire/human love story and it culd give you some good ideas!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I am kind of doing that myself!. But they are kind of different than vampires!.!.!.so I don't know!. If I gave you my ideas, then you would be copying off me! It's ok though!. Be creative, and before you start just write simple things about what's going to happen, so you won't forget!. It will come to you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi Cake!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.If you have a boy friend you and he could play the roles you would like to try!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.I would think it would be fun!. I've always enjoyed the stories myself!. Sweet dreams!.!.!.!.and sleep with a scarf around your neck:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

idk just like take your life and make you a vampire and the boy or girl you like a human !. and write it as a funny book or something!. like a vampire playing football :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

i think that anything regarding love and vampires is going to be considered copying twilight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No matter what it'll still sound like a bit of a copy to Twilight readers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you will just copy TwilightWww@QuestionHome@Com