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Question: Is the twilight series really any good!?
every body is in love with its like the new harry potter is it any good what is it aboutWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's pretty good, my sister's obsessed though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It sucks!. I read it, I liked it, and then I realized how terrible it is!. It's SO bad!.

there's not plot EVER, and if there is, it lasts ten pages!.

Bella is the worst female character ever and she's the one we have to read her Point of view!.!.!.!.

Edward is a flawless mary-sue of a character that teenage girls are all inlove with(which is just sad)
and basically!.!.!.!.all of stephanie meyer's characters have no personalities except Jacob, who ironcally a lot of people hate!.

This book is terrible =/ please don't waste your time like i did!.

AND to anyone that disagrees, "I don't care, it's my opinion, I am answering his question!."

EDIT: I agree with Pax-C 100%
It's soooo cliche!.!.!.the main character's name is BELLA SWAN, how cliche can you get!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Twilight books are well written, romantic, original books!. I almost didn't want to read it because it looked strange, but I was blown away!. Stephenie Meyer, the author, is better than JK Rowling to me!. Plus, her books are more romantic!.
its about a vampire falling in love with a human, but don't judge!. The way she writes, it could be about a turd falling in love with the toilet seat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Basically it has good grammar and spelling!. It also has a cliche storyline, cliche romance, and cliche writing style!. It's enjoyable when you read it, but after you put it down you wonder what you have gained from the experience!. I suggest you don't read it if you're over the age of fifteen or have read better novels!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No it really isn't!. It is mediocre at best!. Poorly written drivel about a bumbling klutz high school newcomer who falls in love with a guy who happens to be the local vampire!. Cliche to the max!. It's appeal seems to be to girls around 15 who have little experience reading other more classic and challenging books!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ask any teenage girl nowadays!.!.!.They are good, but i am not crazed like some of my friends!. I so love the books but i am not going to go marry a fictional character because i love them so much!. i will stick to real life thank you very much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if ur a guy you'll probably just think its stupid like the rest of the guys but me being a girl I LOVE TWILIGHT!!! it's all about a girl who falls in love with a vampire and then she gets into trouble and the vampire (edward) comes and saves her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

YES! even though these books are easy reads pretty much they are great for any age and really well written!. they are exciting adventurous romantic and even a little sad!. they mad me cry and i didnt even cry in the notebook!Www@QuestionHome@Com

twilight series is the best ever!!!
its about a human girl that falls in love with a vampire, and theres also werewolfs involve in the storyWww@QuestionHome@Com

hellz yah it rocks way more than harry potter i mean if u ;like romantic action

tons of butt kicking and kissing

all the things i luv


It's about a teen girl falling in love with a dangerous vampire!.
Why don't you read it yourself and make your own conclusion on whether you like it!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah i guess so!. i've only read the first book!. i didn't get into it like SOME people do!. but no offense to those who do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

omg the twilight series is amazingWww@QuestionHome@Com

I have heard it is but
I refuse to read it as i am a true harry potter fan!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com