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Question: What are some things you need for!.!.!.!?
I am 14 and I LOVE writing!. I need to know what makes a good story though!. I have writen stories in the past, and I have been complimented greatly on my writing skills, but I would like to improve!. Please reply telling what YOU think makes a good mystery story, and I wil use your information to hopefully work on making my first novel!.
Please do not send any negative replies, bad language, and/or smart alick comments!. Thank you for respecting my guidelines!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For mysteries, a few basic questions:
1) Who is your detective!? What makes him a detective!?
2) Who is your villain!? Why has he decided to be villainous!? (Motive!.)
3) What is the McGuffin (the item or person that is the point of the story)--ie, The Maltese Falcon, the briefcase in 'Pulp Fiction,' the mom in 'Psycho,' et cetera!?
4) What is keeping detective from finding out that villain is involved with the McGuffin!?

Think of a mystery plot like a roller coaster--constantly increase the stakes!. First have him get threatened, then get shot at, then get mugged, then find his way into villain's secret lair and be discovered, for a really obvious example!.

If you have subplots, make sure they relate to the main plot of the story!. Don't just toss in a love interest to kill time and a couple thousand words--make the love interest have a stake in the McGuffin too!.

(also, rent 'The Maltese Falcon,' being the classic noir mystery--you'll find all these elements laid out really simply and clearly, and it's a cool movie anyway!.)

Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go to your library and check out a writer's guide!. I am sure it will be outdated, but it will still have some helpful information!.Www@QuestionHome@Com