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Question: Questions on Mary Shelley's novel: Frankentstein!?
I'm struggling with these two questions:

1) What is the impact of Shelley's choice to write the majority of the novel as a flashback(recollection)!?
-this one, i have no clue lol
2) What might be the impact of Shelley's choice to return to the present at the end of the novel!?
-is it to bring Robert Walton back into the story, so he can learn from Frankensein "about glory and what goes awry when you chase it too much" since they both relate(having ambitions and wanting to explore beyond the human limits)!?
is that considered an impact!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!.) It creates distortion so the readers are unaware of the truth!. (I don't really remember, sorry)
2!.) What you have sounds good, maybe just look for textual evidence!.

Sorry this isn't very helpful :( I'll let you know if I find something!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com