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Question: Breaking Dawn predictions!!?
Ok, here's mine:
Well, Twilight is when there is moon, no sun
New Moon is no moon
Eclipse is when the sun and moon cross
Breaking Dawn is sun, not moon!.

So, what if Edward is the moon and Jacob is the sun!? That would mean that Bella goes with Jacob! What are your theories!? Do you like mine!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Oh my !!! YOUR A GENIUS!
i really hope that's not true though!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

This sounds very accurate, BUT what I was thinking was since Jacob is a werewolf, wouldn't he be more likely to be the moon!? Since Edward leaves Bella in New Moon, and she finds a new friend, Jacob, wouldn't he be NEW MOON!? Maybe I'm not sure!. I am thinking that Breaking Dawn is going to be a transitionary book about E and B's relationship - a bit like Eclipse and New Moon, where the ending isn't exactly happy, but that the book is necessacary!. I really hope Jacob gets imprinted!. And if he got imprinted on a vampire that would be even better, because it would bridge the feud between the Cullens and the La Push dudes!. It would be wonderful!. I don't expect that to happen in BD though, I'm hoping it happens in Midnight Sun!. Midnight Sun I think means it's night (vampire) but the sun (jacob!?) is there as well!. Kind of they are both there, they coexist!. At least i HOPE so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

omg that is an awesome theorie!
i mean i dont want oit to happen!.!.!.!.but ur sooo rite!
but it also can take a whole other meaning too!.!.!.!.like twilight was the ending of her old life without edward!.!.!.sooo breaking dawn could be hr new life as a vamp with edward!.!.!.and twilight is the saddest for vamps!.!.!.breaking dawn could be the happiest!

idk it could go either way!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess it would make sense!. Or maybe they find a way for Edward to become human- cause sun is like the safe time in stories for humans and breaking dawn might mean a new era!.!.!. kind of weird I just answered this since I had just reccomended it to someone! lolWww@QuestionHome@Com


u are SO smart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!.!.

but!.!.!.!.!.what abount Midnight Sun!?!?

Actually that could go aswell

I hope its not true!!!

anyways!! bye!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ur theory sounds very true!!
but i still hope that Edward is with Bella!.Www@QuestionHome@Com