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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What are some Vampire Romance Novels that have characters like Edward Cullen in

Question: What are some Vampire Romance Novels that have characters like Edward Cullen in them!?
Edward Cullen is the lead vampire in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer!.!.

i ? Edward!.!.!.and i am just wondering if there are any other books that have a character like Edward in them!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead has a gorgeous-off-limits mentor named Demitri Belakov, and the main character Rose falls for him!. The sad thing is that even though he is her trainer (hes 24, shes 17), he loves her too!. Its awesome! Its like forbidden love, kinda like Edward and Bella!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm sure there are!. And not just vampire books either!. But!.!.try Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice!. I'm currently reading it and haven't gotten too far but so far the two main characters, Lestat and Louis, have caught my interest!. I love Lestat's apathetic personality and Louis's enchanting one!. I'm only about 40 pages into the book and already I love Louis!. He is the one being interviewed and is telling the story of how he became a vampire and his 200 years of what he did!. There is romance in this book but I haven't gotten to it yet!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There aren't any!.

Meyer's vampires are unique to Twilight!. That includes the characterization of the vampires!. They're so unique some people (those who don't have imaginations) say that they're not "real vampires!." I kind of feel like making them write a five paged essay on "Imagination," and seeing what happens!. Will they melt!.!.!.!? Hmm!.

But if you want vampires novels, Amelia Atwater-Rhodes has some good ones!. And some people (not including me) liked Blue Bloods by Melina Marchetta!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I haven't read it, but I heard Vampire Academy was a good choice!. I personally don't want to read any other vampire novels!. One reason is because I feel like they are trying to compete with Twilight, which is VERY hard to beat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

House of Night Series- Erik Night/Heath
Vampire Kisses- Alexander (can't remember his last name)
Vampire Diaries- Stefan/Damien
Tantalize- (the werewolf dude, can't remember his name)
Vampire Academy- Dimitri
& moreWww@QuestionHome@Com

The House of Night series has a guy named Erik Night (the series does not revolve around him)!. He reminds me a lot of Edward!. There's even a girl who he dates/likes who finds herself average, kind of like Bella!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

house of night series (erik)
vampire kisses series (alexander)
blue bloods series (I don't remember his name)Www@QuestionHome@Com

LOL, Everybody is totally in love with EdwardWww@QuestionHome@Com

A Clockwork Orange

Robinson Crusoe



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