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Question: Name this book!!?
Great green globs of greasy grimy gofer guts, mutilated monkey feet, chopped up baby parakeet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I remember seeing it in the children's book Runaway Ralph by Beverly Cleary!. I think the situation was that Ralph the mouse had run away from home (hence, the title), found himself in a summer camp full of kids, and one of them was obsessed with that rhyme!. If I recall correctly, that ended up being one thing that led to Ralph deciding to go back home !.!.!. if the kids liked rhymes about gopher guts and chopped-up baby parakeets, then heaven only knew what they'd do to a mouse!Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's not the name of a book, that's the lyrics of a song!.The song appears on the Smithsonian Folkways collection: A Fish That's a Song, a collection of traditional children's songs from the United States, where it is performed by Mika Seeger!. The Smithsonian recording came from an earlier recording called The Sounds of Camp, originally released in 1959!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i know that it's a song from the first answer(otherwise i wouldn't have known; thanks #1radcliff fan) but i want to make up titles anyway!.

Animal Massacre, Mimi's Mystery Meat, A Tale of Three Deaths, Murder and Dissection, Disturbingly Disturbed, Choppy Life, Tweet No More, Fall Off the Branches, A Death of Digging, ok, I'm out!Www@QuestionHome@Com

How did you get my sister-in-law's recipe for meatloaf!?Www@QuestionHome@Com